There are hundreds of thousands different threads on the internet that most people can choose to ignore, contribute, or observe. When I reflect on my contribution to online content I first need to identify which online content I access and therefore have given myself the opportunity to ignore, contribute, or observe. There are five main website that I enjoy visit that allow me to engage in online content. These websites are the following: Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Reddit, and Youtube. These website give me the ability to both produce and consume online content. The following chart categorizes my contribution to these websites using the criteria to ignore, contribute, or observe these on the content of these websites.
Produce by: Mark Brown |
I would now like to focus
on how the three website Facebook, Blogger, and Reddit as these are the
websites that I contribute to the online content. By contributing to these
websites I mean that I post original or repost material of others and I also
make comments and read the comments of others. The reasoning for why I
contribute to each website differs from website to website. I contribute to Facebook
because all my friends use Facebook for social purposes, it’s a website that I
can use to plan events, post pictures, or just let me friends know whats going
on. The reason this works so well is because everyone I know has a Facebook
account and I know that my posts will be seen by all of my Facebook friends. I
post things on Reddit for the exact opposite reason I post things on Facebook.
I use Reddit because it gives me that ability to post comments and ideas
without anyone knowing or caring who I am. Reddit give me the ability to
comments a generic person on the internet. Reddit is my favourite website because
it is only user generated content. “In my view, the significant percentage of works
you find on these web sites represents the most innovative cultural production done
today.” (Manovich) This quote was made for websites like Reddit. Reddit is a
website that “media, businesses, consumer electronics and web industries, and
academics converge in celebrating content created and exchanged by users.” (Manovich).
Finally, I use blogger for this blog it allows me to formulate my thoughts and
opinions that my online class wants me to discuss. It works well and allows me to
contribute unlike any other class I have ever taken.
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